
Baha’is of the United States – the official website of the Baha’is of the United States

The Baha’i­ Faith – the official website of the Baha’i international community. The best place for information about the Baha’i Faith and its worldwide community

Baha’i­ World News Service – news and human interest stories of the Baha’i international community

The Baha’i­ World Publication – a collection of thoughtful essays and articles to reflect the Faith’s purpose and mission in the world

La Fe Bahá’í – The Baha’i Faith page in Spanish

Baha’is of Virginia Beach, VA – the webpage of our sister community, Virginia Beach

Radio Baha’i WLGI 90.9 FM – Radio Baha’i contributes to a prosperous and just civilization created by vibrant communities based on spiritual principles


Daily spiritually uplifting quotes from the Baha’i Writings about love, peace, fellowship & wisdom

Baha'i Writings Service on FB
Baha'i Writings Service on FB37 minutes ago
Remember the saying: “Of all pilgrimages the greatest is to relieve the sorrow-laden heart.”

Selections from the Writings of ‘Abdu’l‑Bahá
#Bahai #quotes
Baha'i Writings Service on FB
Baha'i Writings Service on FB1 day ago
Let not the means of order be made the cause of confusion and the instrument of union an occasion for discord.

Bahá’u’lláh, Tablets of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 222.
#bahai #quotes
Baha'i Writings Service on FB
Baha'i Writings Service on FB2 days ago
Say, this earthly life shall come to an end, and everyone shall expire and return unto my Lord God Who will reward with the choicest gifts the deeds of those who endure with patience.

The Báb
Selections from the Writings of the Báb.
#Bahai #quotes
Baha'i Writings Service on FB
Baha'i Writings Service on FB3 days ago
Adorn your heads with the garlands of trustworthiness and fidelity, your hearts with the attire of the Fear of God, your tongues with absolute truthfulness, your bodies with the vesture of courtesy.


Synopsis and Codification of the Kitáb-i-Aqdas, p. 24
#Bahai #quotes
Baha'i Writings Service on FB
Baha'i Writings Service on FB4 days ago
Every heart should radiate unity, so that the Light of the one Divine Source of all may shine forth bright and luminous. We must not consider the separate waves alone, but the entire sea. We should rise from the individual to the whole. The spirit is as one great ocean and the waves thereof are the souls of men.


Paris Talks, p. 84
#Bahai #quotes
Baha'i Writings Service on FB
Baha'i Writings Service on FB5 days ago
It behooveth the people of Bahá to render the Lord victorious through the power of their utterance and to admonish the people by their goodly deeds and character, inasmuch as deeds exert greater influence than words.

Tablets of Bahá’u’lláh
#Bahai #quotes